Questa settimana dovrebbe uscire pubblicamente la nuovissima versione di CemU, l’emulatore WiiU più perfezionato in circolazione (Il rilascio per il momento è limitato ai sovvenzionatori Patreon del progetto).
Uscito nel 2015, da allora ha fatto moltissima strada ed è stato il primo a permettere di giocare al magnifico Zelda Breath Of The Wild su un PC Windows molto ben carrozzato. Seguono alcuni video che mostrano la nuova versione all’opera, e l’elenco completo dei miglioramenti apportati.
Questo l’elenco ufficiale della release:
debugger: Cemuhook code cave area can now be viewed in disassembly view
gfxPacks: Graphic pack window now has an option to automatically download latest community packs
gfxPacks: Cemu will now scan subfolders for graphic packs
input: Replaced existing Wiimote library with our own implementation
This should bring the following improvements:
– Slightly better performance when using wiimotes
– Better support for wiimote extensions
– Easier to maintain and fix bugs in the future
input: Wiimotes now include the connected extension type in the name in input settings
input: Fixed issues with controller profile saving/loading when using certain UI languages
input: Added support for native Wiimote classic controller extension
input: Fixed blow microphone button
padscore: Fixed acceleration values for wiimote in KPADRead()
AX: Fixed bug where playback cursor could run out of bounds for ADPCM streams
AX: Added snduser2.rpl HLE implementation
AX: Fixed incorrect volume and delta calculation in snd_user
AX: Added API AXSetVoiceSamplesAddr (snd_core and sndcore2)
AX: Merged Cemu’s snd_core and sndcore2 driver code to simplify handling of sound internally
GX2: Intel -nolegacy is now the default mode. Support for older Intel GPUs can now be enabled with -legacy command line option
GX2: Nvidia GLcache will now be stored at /shaderCache/driver/nvidia/ with size limit disabled (if supported by driver)
overlay: Fixed crash that could occur when the
overlay was enabled but no stats were selected
overlay: Fixed render state corruption
nsysnet: Fixed rare crash in recvfrom_ex